Become a contributor

Submit your art

Every year we have people who support mental health by contributing one or two pieces of black and white line art to the colouring book. You do not have to be a professional artist or even consider yourself an artist to submit to this colouring book.

To submit, please e-mail Christine at with:

  • A 2-3 sentence bio

  • A black and white line drawing in a high resolution format, preferably a .PDF

or click the Submit Art button below.

Annual submission deadlines:

Youth Cover Art Contest Deadline: June 30
General Art Deadline (Open to all ages): September 30

Sample bio:

Jelly is a self-taught artist who loves to eat cookies while painting. In their spare time Jelly loves to make movies. One day they want to start their own art business and become insanely famous creating poster art for films.

Note: Contributors to the colouring book do not receive compensation. Only the selected youth who is the cover art winner receives a monetary prize. The rights of the art belong to the Artist or creator of the image. By submitting your art, you allow the Ottawa Colouring Book for Anyone to print and publish your work in the colouring book for the purposes of fundraising for mental health.

Due to the large amount of contributions, we can’t guarantee all or any of your art submitted will be published. We appreciate your understanding.


If you would like to sponsor our project with a donation, please email

or Donate using our donation portal:
